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The Importance of Collagen as You Age

If you haven’t heard of or seen Collagen products promoted recently, you've been living under a rock.

Supplementing with collagen is an essential part of personal care as we age. After we turn 25, our collagen production declines 1% per year, so by the time we turn 50, we have 30% less collagen. As we age, the deep layers of our skin change from a tightly knit network of fibres to an unorganized maze. Are you getting the picture?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. In simple terms, consider it a fibre-like structure used to make connective tissue. Collagen is the major component of bone, skin, muscles, tendons, and cartilage. It helps to keep tissues strong and resilient.

We consume collagen in our diet in the form of animal flesh like meat and fish that contain connective tissue. But, animal and plant foods contain materials for collagen production within our bodies.

Collagen production slows even more if we do things that aren’t great for our bodies – for example, unprotected sun exposure, smoking, drinking excess alcohol, poor diet or sleep hygiene, or not being active.

There is controversy over the efficacy of collagen supplements because all products are not created equal, and supplements are not regulated in the US or Canada. Randomized controlled trials have found that collagen supplements can improve skin elasticity and joint mobility and decrease joint pain associated with osteoarthritis (Harvard.EDU).

Here’s what I know about collagen based on my research before buying the products and what I’ve experienced since I started taking the products in January 2022.

Whether you decide to take the products I love or not, supplementing with collagen is essential. It will help to support critical components of your body as you age. The reason that kick starts your routine – sagging skin, hair loss, joint stiffness, weak nails, unpredictable cycle, low immunity, gut and stomach issues – will vary by person.

There wasn’t one particular thing I was looking to address, but we did have some family health issues this past winter, so it was utmost on my mind. Perhaps turning 51 made me realize I’m not getting any younger, so it’s better to start supplements sooner rather than later.

Since taking the collagen, these are the things I have noticed:

  • My nails grow faster and stronger

  • I haven’t had any stomach issues (that could be related to the trebiotic product I’m taking)

  • My face wrinkles are less pronounced (not as deep)

  • My skin is less dry (due to the hyaluronic acid that I’m ingesting versus just adding topically through my skincare products)

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